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Swim Set of the Week

Dr. Randy Gordon's swim sets are 3400-3800m in length and can be completed in around an hour and a half 


This is a quick milage set. You can get thru the set quicky thus a nice areobic set. At 1:30 pace you can have this set done in just over an hour.


Warm Up


300 mix -30 rec

4x75 swim/side kck/ swim - 15 rec

3x100 pull - scull first 25 - 20 rec

6x50 desc 1-3 (2x) - 15 rec


Main Set


600 swim -60 rec

5x100 swim - 10 rec

400 pull DPS  - 40 rec

3x100 swim (desc 1-3) - 10 rec

200 swim - 30 rec

100 swim - done


Warm Down


4x50 alt bk/fr   br/fr -15 rec




Broken 300's for the main set. Concentrate on the swim portion and your form.


Warm Up


12x 100

1. Mix

2. Kick with board

3. Pull

4. Alternate 25s swim/drill of choice

Repeat 3x 20 rec between each





300 swim steady - 40 rec

3x100 desc 1-3 - 30 rec

300 pull - 40 rec

2x 150 pull - middle 50  front scull - 30 rec


Repeat 2x



Down  100 mix ez








The 12 repeats of Christmas. This is a steady swim set. Work the stand alone swims and concentrate on good drill form.


Warm Up



2 mix - 2 kick with board - 2 pull - 2 middle 50 scull with bouy - 2 second 100 faster - 2 middle 50 shark fin.  All 20 rec




Main Set



2 swim - 2 first and last 25's side kick - 2 pull - 2 first and last 25 catchup - 2 swim - 2 first and last 25 zipper.  All 30 rec




Warm Down


12x25 swim/bk/br/swim (3x) 10 rec


3900 Total





Fast Short Speed Set. Descending 50 repeats. Make sure you keep nailing each one on your fast time.


Warm up


300 mix - 30 rec

6x50 kick with board - 10 rec

200 pull - 20 rec

4x50 with pull bouy - scull 25/swim 25 - 10 rec

100 swim - 15 rec

2x50  25 fast/25 ez - 10 rec




Main Set


10x50 fast -  30 rec

200 easy pull - 30 rec

8x50 fast - 30 rec

200 pull easy - 30 rec

6x50 fast - 30 rec

200 pull easy - 30 rec

4x50 fast - 30 rec

200 pull easy - 30 rec

2x50 fast - 30 rec




Warm Down


100 easy


3600 Total





The goal of this set is to focus on the finishing of the swim stroke - continue all the way thru to the end. Concentrate on it when swimming the two 400s


Warm Up


200 mix - 30 rec

2x100 kick with board - 20 rec

200 pull - 30 rec

2x100 alt side kick/swim by 25s - 20 rec

200 swim - 30 rec

2x100 alt bk/fr br/fr by 25s - 20 rec




Repeat main set once


400 swim - finish stroke - 60 rec

2x200 pull - second one faster - 30 rec

4x100  1. (with pull bouy) 50 front scull/ swim

2. swim

3. 50 shark fin/swim

4. pull

all 100s on 20 rec.




100 mix ez









The goal of this set is that you want to descend each 200 that you return to in the main set. The rest of set is steady with some fun drill work. Enjoy


Warm Up


2x100 mix

2x100 kick with board

2x100 middle 50 zipper

2x100 pull

2x100 middle 50 back





Main Set


200 swim 40 rec

2x200 pull 30 rec

4x50 drill 1 - shark fin 2- catcup 3- zipper 4- swim







4x50 alt bk/fr - br/fr






Steady build Set - The goal of this set is working at the end when you are tiring. Make sure the last 400 of the set is faster and then take that split time to start off the descend. So if your total time on the last 400 was 6:00 then the descend for you starts on 1:30 for the first 100 and then faster after. Work it!


Warm Up


200mix - 30 rec

8x50 alt kick with board - side kick/swim - 15 rec

200 pull - 30 rec

8x50 desc 1-4 (2x)  one swim / one pull - 15 rec




Main Set


100 swim fast - 30 rec

200 pull - DPS - 30 rec

300 swim - last 25 per 75 front scull - 40 rec

400 swim - 60 sec reset

100 swim fast - rec

200 pull DPS - 30 rec

300 swim - last 25 per 100 shark fin ( pause in recovery with elbow high like a shark - works high elbows and balance in the water ) - 40 rec

400 swim - build faster than the first 400

4x100 desc 1-4 starting at your 400 split time - 30 rec




Warm Down


100 mix







Fast Swim Set


This is a fartlek style set with up and down heart rate. Work the fast stuff and with the pull recovery really try to stretch your stroke out - Distance per stroke. Enjoy!!



400 mix - 45 rec

6x50 alt  25's side kick/swim 15 rec

200 pull 30 rec

3x50 desc 1-3 - 20 rec





5x100 fast - 40 rec

200 pull easy - 15 rec

8x50 fast - 20 rec

200 pull easy - 15 rec

3x100 fast - 40 rec

200 pull easy - 15 rec

8x25 sprints - 15 rec

200 pull easy 15 rec

100 flat out for time

50 easy




200 mix warm down


3600m set.


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